Saturday, February 9, 2008

The RNC Betrayed Conservatives & Gave Us Juan McCain

Stepping Back From The Conservative Abyss
By Frank Salvato

We only have ourselves to blame for the fact that when the Republican National Committee was busy stacking the New England deck in favor of Rudy Giuliani with the "winner take all" delegate fiasco they were doing it in plain sight; doing it with nary a protest from the rank and file. This set the stage for a Liberal-Republican victory.

Further, how did we -- the rank and file members of the Republican Party -- allow two major Liberal states, in New Hampshire and Iowa, to dictate who the "Conservative" candidates would be? That the most Conservative of states weren't slated for primaries first is the major problem here, not that McCain is a Progressive-Republican, although that can be argued.

Further, his deeds, statements and silence on select issues present serious questions about his ideology. The radical, afro-centric tenets of his church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, have never been adequately examined by the main stream media. Couple this with the fact that the leaders of the radical Islamist movement -- Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri -- have not issued fatwas against Obama for, not only being a Muslim apostate, but for being a Muslim apostate and aspiring to be the leader of "the Great Satan," the United States of America, and you have a plethora of troubling notions that most certainly cast a shadow on his candidacy.

The immediate concern facing the Conservative movement is the restructuring of the Republican primary process. We must make sure that the most Conservative states are positioned to affect the most influence over slating our candidates. This can be achieved by promoting a primary schedule that rewards states with early primaries based on their pro-Republican/pro-Conservative voter turnout from the most recent presidential election. This would serve as a catalyst for maximizing voter turnout by the state parties and would discourage crossover voting. It would also assure that Conservative voters have the most influence in the selection of national candidates.

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