Friday, February 8, 2008

The Archbishop of Canterbury Loses It

The Archbishop of Canterbury Loses It

RUSH: Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury is losing it. This is the guy who first cast doubts on the whole concept of the still star over Bethlehem around Christmastime, and then began talking about, "Well, you don't really need to believe in the resurrection to be a Christian." Yes, you do. Now, have you heard about this? This guy is back. The Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday that "the adoption of Islamic Sharia law in the UK is unavoidable and that it would help social cohesion. Rowan Williams told BBC Radio 4's World One that the UK has to 'face up to the fact' that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system. Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court. He added that Muslims should not have to choose between the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty. He said there was a place for finding a constructive accommodation in areas such as marriage, allowing Muslim women to avoid western divorce proceedings." This is what you get when you have unchecked, unbridled liberalism. By the way, this is liberalism disguised as an archbishop, as a religious figure. Liberals will give away the culture and the freedom of Western democracies. They will give it away, for whatever reasons, who cares; all you need to know is they will give it away. And people like this, Rowan Williams, are not isolated, they're not alone. There are lots of these kinds of people who think this way in this country.

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