Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big Brother Steps Back from the Thermostat

Big Brother Steps Back from the Thermostat

RUSH: By the way, the big story out of California -- I'll tell you who gets credit for raising this story about the utility companies controlling your thermostat via remote control: the American Thinker, Thomas Lifson's bunch. And Lifson himself actually got on to this and made it public. Even the New York Times credited the American Thinker. The bottom line is that the people in California trying to get this done have canceled it now. They've rolled this back. There was just too much of an outcry and so they're going to table it for a while to have more public comment about this. Now, they're not getting rid of it altogether. They're going to discuss it some more, which means they're going to try to figure out how they can do this next time with nobody finding out about it. This is who liberals are. They want to control your thermostat. You won't have any control over it. This is California, and this is Big Government extraordinaire, sloughing the responsibility off to utility companies, and all of this is based on a hoax, a scientific hoax of manmade global warming. So it's been beaten back for now but the thing is you can't ever stop fighting these people because they don't ever go away, and right now they're going to be calculating how they can get this done without anybody finding out about it next time until it's too late. Sort of like what the Senate tried to do with the amnesty bill, under cover of darkness, no politics involved, no debate, no committee hearings, no nothing, because they knew it would be opposed dramatically if people found out; and people found out.

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