by Richard Rivette
Rosie O'Donnell claims that radical Christianity is just as bad as
Islam. Let's put that to the test.
Here is a short summary that should help Ms. O'Donnell and others
learn more about "radical Christianity" as they call it, versus
Islam, even what some call "moderate Islam." When asked how they
would react to certain conditions/situatio
philosophies DO actually differ in their response. Here is what you
might hear in response to each question:
What is your reaction.
1. If someone professes they are gay?
Have them seek counseling. Lecture them on the Biblical foundation
against homosexuality. Invite them to attend church and learn more.
Pray for them. Give them the name of a support group in their area to
help them deal with their feelings. Hate the activity, but love the
person. Feel sorry for their despair that they feel compelled to
defile themselves. Feel pity. Counsel their own children so that they
don't fall into despair and fall from grace. No special rights for
any gay person, but the same protections as any person to keep them
from being attacked.
Put them to death by beheading. If really moderate, ostracize them.
Deny their existence and any relation. Accept the death sentence
others impose.
2. If someone tells you they are an atheist?
Talk to them about one's faith in God. Show them through examples why
you believe God exists and how God has and can work in their lives.
Invite them to church. Pray for them. Pray that even though they
might never accept God, let them know that God loves them anyway.
Give them the opportunity to accept Allah and his prophet and then,
if after they have been educated, they reject the teachings, put them
to death by beheading. OR If they accept the teaching but later
denounce it, put them to death by beheading as apostates.
3. If someone steals from you?
Pray for their soul. Invite them to church. Ask what else they might
need to help support themselves, a job, clothing, training. Invite
them to come to your food bank and take what they need to tide them
over. Try to help them see that criminality is not a path to heaven.
Help them find support to cure their impulse to harm others or take
what is not theirs. Read them the commandments about not stealing.
Tell the God loves them regardless and welcomes them in his heart.
Ask to have them join you in prayer.
Cut off their hands. If it persists, cut off their head.
(Videos of current atrocities are found on the internet today.)
4. If a girl wears a revealing blouse and skirt to go to the grocery
Shield the eyes of those younger children who might be influenced by
such behavior. Stop and talk to the girl about her self-esteem and
that she does not really need to attract that kind of attention to be
loved. Invite her to church. Give here examples by showing that your
daughters/nieces are perfectly happy without feeling the need to
display their sexuality in that manner. Explain it may invite
unwanted attention or even be dangerous since some men have
difficulty controlling their actions.
Accuse her of adultery. Allow older men to rape her. Bury her up to
her neck in dirt then stone her to death for either crime. Restore
her family's honor by doing so. Explain to her own male relatives
that they must rape her to teach her not to be like that. She is a
disgrace to Allah, kill her by hanging from the gallows.
5. If a person listens to music?
Should the music contain lyrics glorifying destruction, death,
violence, sex, or hatred, then they will ask you to play it in
private so they don't have to listen to it. They will not allow their
children to listen to it. Invite you to church. Talk about how such
self-denigrating behavior is not healthy to your spirit. Ask you to
leave their presence. Turn it off. Change the station. Go away.
No music allowed. Destroy all music and behead anyone who refuses to
cooperate. Only chanting of prayers is allowed.
6. If a person is Jewish?
Invite them to church. Share your ideas about the Bible, history,
Jewish culture and tradition, Jesus. Enjoy dinner together. Have you
families play together to learn more about each other. Welcome them
for their contribution to Judeo-Christian beliefs. Pray for each
other. Invite them to a social function at church just to have fun,
no sermons given. Treat each other with respect. Talk about your
faith in God and in Jesus. Tell them why you love Jesus and what he
did for you.
Kill them. They are apes and pigs. They are filth. Lie to them, steal
from them. Do whatever is necessary to destroy them. Hitler was right
and if we only had more time Islamic countries would have been able
to assist in completing the final solution by gassing all Jews to death.
7. If a person lives in a non-Muslim country?
Welcome to freedom. You may believe as you desire. Invite others to
church. Pray as your beliefs dictate. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Follow the commandments as best you can and serve as an example to
Non-Muslim countries are Dar-al-Harb, the land of war. Make war on
the unbelievers. Kill all infidels. Enslave their children, rape
their women and girls and put the heads of the men on pikes. Use
whatever means necessary to complete your duty of jihad. Lie, steal,
infiltrate, kill, use their own systems against them. Kill them until
all are believers and live in Dar-al-Islam, the "land of
peace." (Islam literally means "submission" not peace. So you must
8. If a person creates artwork?
Art is just one of the beautiful gifts God gives us. Use your art to
glorify God. Paint, draw or create work which shows the miracle of
life and joy God can bring into your life. Again, violent, hateful or
hurtful images are not welcome for their children to view, but will
most likely incur a lecture about self-determination and freedom to
choose. Talk about how God gives us all the power to create our
reality and that we should make it a positive one.
Only geometric pictures or decoration are allowed. Any depiction of
God, his prophet or anything construed as an insult to Islam will
result in imprisonment. If the image is critical of Islam then death
by beheading or hanging is indicated.
9. If someone writes negatively about your beliefs?
Pray for them. Pray at church. Ask God to help them know Him better.
Explain to them that what they have said has hurt your spirit. To
please stop assaulting you. To write material in contradiction of
their claims against you. Invite them to church. Invite them to meet
your family to understand your lifestyle better. Bless them that they
may grow as individuals.
Death by beheading. Death by any means necessary. Official fatwah
will be issued so that any Muslim worldwide is empowered to kill you
and be absolved of their actions, because it was done in the name of
God. Imprisonment for lesser sentences until the perpetrator learns
of their error and submits to authority to never again write anything
critical about religion or politics. Do not discuss such things, ever.
So, Ms. O'Donnell can now understand better that NO radical Christian
seeks her death. Ever. In fact, if someone tried to harm her they
would stand up to protect her for her life has value.
No true Christian would try or should try to hurt her. That is
antithetical to their beliefs. They must and will pray for her, for
as long as it takes that she sees she is loved by God. Christians
will bless her and ask her to be blessed. They will condemn those
practices she engages in which they consider unnatural. They will ask
that God come into her soul and show her divine grace. They will
invite her to church. They will love her soul as they love their own
families, for that is what God requires. Even though it is hard. They
Those in Islam have a slightly different view Rosie. You are to be
killed for your abomination. And they don't want to hear any more on
the subject. You are less than human to them. Every Islamic example
given here is available currently on the internet. You can witness
the brutal torture, rape, beheading and violent death of those in
Now. Please tell us again how radical Christians are just as bad as
When you go on your next trip to a Muslim country, please return to
tell us how well you were received there. That is, if you return home
alive to the United States, where you truly are free to be yourself.
If someone here shows they hate you, then they are foolish. For
hatred only leads to violence. And no Christian can support violence
against you. Since we all have a soul, God would condemn them for the
attack. They will pray for you but they will not harm you.
Millions of Christians are praying right now that you see the
difference. And if you don't, they will not condemn your soul, they
will continue to pray for you since they are in no position to judge.
That is God's domain exclusively.
If you are interested in learning more about God and his total love
for you, then please speak with friends or relatives who love you. Or
go to any church or synagogue and ask to speak with the pastor,
minister or rabbi. They will hold your hand if desired and freely
give you a message of love from God.
-Richard Rivette
Authority is granted to reproduce this article at will provided the
notice is given that the contents are copyright 2007 Richard Rivette.
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